Friday, August 19, 2011

Why walk???

This is the question I despise...why walk? Since February I have been supposed to write a letter to all my family and friends to ask for a donation. In the letter they suggest you "tell your story" and explain why you are walking. UGH. I struggle every time, and the letter is still not written.

You see, I have no story; no life experience that directly links me to the importance of this walk. Yes, I have family and friends who battle the disease. And yes, it has impacted my life. So what? Don't we all? The truth is I have no idea what it must feel like to battle cancer. I have no idea how scared and alone one must feel. I have no idea how sick one really gets.

I don't need to.

Although I can't put it into words, I know this is a disease that needs my attention. I know the VERY LEAST I can do is try to raise money for research. I know I should be doing more. I wish I knew how to do more. I wish I had endless money to give. I wish I had the knowledge to find the cure myself. But, really, all I can do to help is walk...what other choices do I have? I HAVE TO HELP.

SO I guess the answer is - WHY NOT?

Thursday, August 11, 2011


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Event Flyer

Here is the downloadable version of the event flyer for your viewing pleasure - Well, you and everyone else you'd love to share it with!

3-Day FLYER -


I've been so busy behind the scenes trying to make this event happen that we started circulating the event flyers without first updating the blog! SORRY! I PROMISE to have lots of info added over the weekend so check back then, please.

In the meantime, please know that we are working hard at creating a fun event for scrappers of all ages and skill levels. Our number one goal is to raise money for breast cancer awareness and research so please trust that everything possible is being done to ensure that almost every penny of your $100.00 donation will go directly to Susan G Komen 3-Day for the Cure. Want to know more about this fabulous organization? Visit:

If you have questions or are looking for registration forms/information, email

THANKS!!! I look forward to meeting you all!!!